Saturday, January 31, 2009

Google can teach you also!

Welcome to my first post in this blog.

First off, we all know that Google wishes to make the most money it can make. Yes, that's true.
And many of you have used Adwords to adversite. Google's problem is that many advertisers disables content network option which displays your ads in publisher's ads.

So, Google is working from the two sides, encouraging advertisers to enable content network(which makes a great income for Google), and trying to stop click fraud and improve ad optimization in publisher's websites.

In this post I will talk about the second side, ads optimaztion for publishers. Google is trying to teach us how to do that through It's official AdSense blog. Some members from the AdSense team are posting articles to help you optimize your ads and optimize their income also.

Optimisation essentials Part I:

"AdSense for content is the bread and butter of many of our publishers, and we often receive requests to recommend strategies to improve AdSense performance on publisher sites. While we refer to this as 'optimisation', we understand that this term can make the process sound more difficult than it really is. In response, we're releasing a three-part video series that demonstrates, in plain English, our top tips for increasing your AdSense earnings.".

Optimisation essentials Part II:

"The video below is the second in our "Optimisation Essentials" series, demonstrating our top three tips for maximising your AdSense for Content performance. Last week, we reinforced the importance of bigger ad units. This week, we're showcasing how a better ad unit design can result in improved AdSense performance.".

Optimisation essentials Part III:

"This is the final video installment in our three-part series on Optimisation Essentials for AdSense for content. We've covered the best-performing ad unit sizes and taken a look at how to design your ad units for good-looking ads. However, even if you have large, well-designed ad units, they won't perform for you unless your users can see them!".

By the way, I depends on the kind of the website your are monetizing. I mean, AdSense optimisation tips for forums can't be applied to blogs for instance. You know what I mean?!

So, after all, It's not wise to take a look and get benfited right now.
Now tell me your opinion....

A small tip to make big money!


Hope you have enjoyed my previous post. Now, I got to talk a little about the huge weapon which called SEO. We all know that It's one of the best sources for every webmaster to get a big number of visitors for free.

You don't have to know much about SEO to apply what I'm going to do. All what you're gonig to do is just that you will copy articles from other blogs.
But hey man, Google won't include it in its search engine results because of duplication.

To avoid this, you will present the good article that you have choosed from your prespective.

This includes the following:

1- Choosing a new title.
2- Writing a good description.
3- You may even change the way the original author has choosed to write the article.
But, without losing the main points.
4- Putting some graphics if it's neccessary.
5- Adding some new and essential information.

You may also do whatever you really think is useful.

Can you get the idea?!

By this way, you will have a great number of articles and content for your site.

For example, If you are going to edit 5 articles per day.

After 1 month:
You will have, 5*30=150 Articles

Can you believe it?!
150 articles(Or you can do more than this) indexed per month in the most powerful search engines.

Think about it, give it a try and share me the results you got.

How to spy while doing your keyword research ?!

Have you ever heared about!

If the answer is no, then there are many things to learn about this website!
You may be able to do some keyword research while advertising. But have you ever heared about something called Affiliate research ?!

By looking at the homepage of, you will find a search box to do your keyword research or affiliate research. The website will give you good benfits if you signed up for a free trail.

But, in case you wanted to get more benfits, see their pricing.

In keyword research, you have to type a keyword or a domain. But, in affiliate research, you will type an Affiliate ID or Product ID. Then, you will have to choose a network to search in.
If you wanna see a live example, try this link while I was searching for "blogging to the bank":

You will find some valuable information about your competitors. Like:

1- Paid keywords.
2- Organic keywords.
3- Affiliate keywords.
4- An overview of the competition.
5- Time machine (performance history).

Can you believe it?!
It can allow you to predict if some product is going to be profitable while promoting it or not.
Competitors have nothing to hide anymore.

Click on this link:

You can spy on this competitors:
1- Ad variations.
2- Keyowrds.

Keyword spy is also a good tool to show you the top competitors and the market coverage.

Go, try it. And, if you find it a good decision to purchase, then do it!

How to make money with Facebook applications?!

Hey all,

All of you know Facebook. Despite I hate it, We can make money with it.
You wanna know how ?!
I will tell, you. There are many ways to do that. But, one of the most important ways is to deploy an application an go viral.

Wanna see an example of a Facebook application ?!
Go see this game :

You may say, "I'm not a coder, How can I do something like that"?!
I answer you, you're not going to write any codes. All what you're going to do is:

1-Think about a good idea of an application.

2-Think what members will pay for (points in a game for example).

3-Go to one of the freelance coders networks.

4-Go to Facebook, submit your app, and start.

I will explain each point in detail.

1-Think about a good idea of an application.

Yes, every big thing starts with an idea. Think what can make members come back again and again to your application. Also go check Facebook to see if there's someone who did it before you.
If you found a good idea, ask people. Is it good or no.
But don't give them all the details or someone may do it instead of you.
It's a good idea to see how other application work. Get a closer look at the successful ones.

2-Think what members will pay for (points in a game for example).

Now, let's talk about the most important portion of the game. If you saw any application on Facebook. You can notice that they are making money be offering something with value(some people dosen't!) to members. Back to the question, What will the members get if they paid?
Will you make your application with a limited time of use?!
Or you can give them extra value if they paid?!
You may a better idea then this. But, I'm sure you have understanded me.

3-Go to one of the freelance coders networks.

If you are a coder, this part isn't intended to you. If not, keep reading.
Just click on this link:

You will find good freelancers networks. Try with each one of those. You will find someone who will do it for a good price.

4-Go to Facebook, submit your app, and start.

That part may be the easiest one. Go to this page:

But, before starting, ask about anything you don't know. Go to forums or anywhere to place your question.

After all, I don't have anything to give for you except for wishing you a good luck!

What to choose, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, or Product Creation ?!


You wanna make some bucks online, but you don't know what way to choose ?!
This post is intended for you, If you want to choose from affiliate marketing, blogging, or product creation.

Absolutely, you can make money online through another ways(like domains selling) but these ways are famous. So, I chose to talk about them.

Let's get started!

1- Affiliate Marketing:-

Affiliate Marketing, If you wanna make money through this way, you must have a good budget to start. You can make so much money easily. But you can lose it even easier!!
Make a plan, don't spend so much money while testing.
And always check everything. Believe me, it's very easy to make money or to lose by doing affiliate marketing. In this field, you may fail(may be at least one time) if you don't have experience. But, if you won in it, you will have a steady income and will be the one laughing to the bank!!

You must understand 3 aspects :

1- Dealing with an advertising program(AdWords for example).

2- Writing good squeeze pages.

3- Choosing profitable products.

4- And of course understanding the essentials(like gravity and this stuff).

Don't worry, they are all easy. But like everything in this world, it requires practising to master it. After mastering it, YOU OWN THE UNIVERSE.

Finally, let's try to predict how much you will spend to get started with affiliate marketing:

  • 2$ for a domain(don't spend more than this).
  • 58$ for 1 year hosting plan with space of 5 Giga.
  • 5$ to open an AdWords account.
  • 500$ (approximately) to buy clicks from AdWords.

Of course I'm assuming that you can design and write the squeeze page(landing page).


This one is easy to do, doesn't require any budget at all(if you used Blogger or Wordpress), but it requires some patience(so much patience in fact :D).

You can buy a domain and a hosting space or you can choose Blogger or Wordpress and you won't spend a dime!!

But, believe me, you will have to wait for some time until you have a good number of loyal visitors. After passing this stage, you will get some cash every month without spending a dime.

Try to shorten the period of success. You can do this by:

  • Posting you articles in article directories and forums.
  • Sharing links with other blogs.
  • Understanding SEO.

You should also be an expert in the field you are going to talk about. Give your visitors something with a real value.

3- Product Creation:-

Product creation is also a good way to make money. Think of someone who wrote an ebook and sold it to many buyers. Can you imagine the money he will earn ?!

But, it requires some experience in the field you are going to talk about. And some experience in writing ebooks. You should do some market research. Know what the audience really wants. Then, give it to them.

If you chose to publish your product in ClickBank, you will pay 50$. And some money for a domain and a hosting plan. Then, create a good landing page, and you're done!

Finally, nothing is impossible!!

One of the easiest ways to make money online!!


Many people are looking for an easy way to make money, you can find an easy one here.
With a high profit potential.

Its steps goes like this :

1- You write a 50-100 manual with a real value.

2- You setup a website to allow people to download your free manual.

3- At the bottom of the squeeze page(landing page), you will ask visitors to enter their e-mails and names.

4- Now, they will download the manual, but it's not over, you will have a big list of subscribers.

5- Use this list as you want.

DON'T think it will be so easy. It requires some experience to write a manual with a value.
If you want more details about this operation, I can do it for you.

How to generate a big list of keyword ?!

For some reason you may want to generate a big list of keywords.
BTW, it's not right to use a big list of keywords if you are a beginner.

Go to :

Instead of searching with a keyword, click on "website content" on the right side of the page.
Then, enter a website to get the keywords from it.

It's not over, click on each link to get more keywords. You can also try this with another website.

Go to:

Type a keyword, then Word Tracker will give you a big list of keywords. Click on each keyword to get more keywords.

Now, you have a good number of keywords.

Go to:

It's time to go to keywords weapper.
It will convert your keywords to broad or exact keywords.

Despite it's known to many marketers, it may be new to others. Especially, the "Website content " option in Google Keyword Tool

Hope it helped you!